Terms and Terminology
Definitions are from the Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare 2012.
Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare (updated 2018)
The Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare 2012 sets out the standards of care and management for layer hens in New Zealand. It replaces the previous 2005 Code and is one of many Codes specific to a farming type or species that support the overarching Animal Welfare Act 1999.
A building for layer hens without conventional cages, similar to a barn but providing two or more floor levels, giving free access for all birds to all floors.
A building for layer hens. A barn does not contain conventional cages, is on a single level, and has no outdoor access.
Chicks, chickens, pullets or layer hens.
The management of chicks from day-old to four weeks.
Compaction of the surface of the litter.
A layer breed bird aged from day-old to eight weeks.
Newly-hatched layer chickens.
A modified and enlarged cage environment with more space than conventional cages and with perching, nesting and dust bathing areas. A colony is sometimes also referred to as a furnished or enriched cage, or furnished or enriched colony.
Controlled environment
An enclosed, insulated building containing pullets or layer hens, which provides total control of lighting, ventilation and temperature under automated control with feed, water and egg collection also being automated and usually computer-monitored.
Day-old chicks
Chicks up to 72 hours of age (surviving on their internal yolk sac).
Egg baffle
A metallic strip attached to the back of the feed trough in a laying cage, designed to stop the caged birds from pecking and breaking any eggs resting on the egg belt.
Embryonated egg
A fertilised egg containing a developing pre-hatched chick.
End of lay
When laying is terminated, either naturally or as a management practice. It may be followed by moulting and a further laying period.
A farming type providing birds with access to an extensive outdoor area which typically includes housing (either fixed or movable) similar to a barn, aviary or perchery without conventional cages.
Management of chickens from day-old to point of lay (approximately 18 weeks).
A controlled environment cabinet where eggs can hatch.
Where controlled environment cabinets are kept.
Layer hens (hens)
An egg-producing bird from 18 weeks old to end of lay.
Natural shedding of feathers between laying cycles.
National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC)
The independent body that advises the Minister for Primary Industries on welfare codes.
An elevated structure for birds to roost off the ground.
A barn or aviary with perches.
Placing day-old chicks in the rearing facilities or pullets in the laying facility.
Point of lay
When a sexually mature hen starts laying.
A young hen aged from 8 weeks old to point of lay.
An outdoor area, usually grass, used by birds in free-range farming.